Best Relationship Match for Female ENTJs

2 min readDec 14, 2020


The short answer is: Find a male INTP or ISTP. They are the ENTJ’s best relationship match.

The long answer is it’s going to be pretty brutal as a female ENTJ but not quite as bad as a female INTJ (the rarest of the MBTI type for females). Not a lot of males want to be dominated and/or told their logic doesn’t make sense because you are able to outthink them, out-plan them, out-earn them and outlive them. Most males prefer a feminine female who is nurturing, soft, and sweet. Long-term they prefer someone who can be a good mother, not a CEO of a large corporation.

In other words, most men cannot handle commanders unless its a strictly business/professional relationship. Romantically, they are probably too afraid to lose their manhoods.

Having said that, there is some hope for female ENTJs. There are two types of males that could potentially be romantically attracted to an ENTJ outside of the recommended mbti relationship matches I mentioned above:

  1. Naturally submissive males
  2. Males raised by dominating ENTJ/ESTJ mothers

Naturally submissive males

Although rare, men who grow up around females but no male role model, tend to take on the psychological disposition of females. This means they may be just as submissive as females and exhibit some of the same behaviors as females. This behavior may change somewhat after the male has had some exposure to other men throughout life. Another way a man can be submissive is purely genetic — the individual can be born with low serum testosterone for example. The kicker is- submissive males do not appeal to women just like dominating females do not appeal to men.

Males raised by dominating ENTJ/ESTJ mothers

Men who are raised by “strong mothers” aka “dominating” aka “ENTJ/ESTJ” types can sometimes be attracted to dominating women but it really depends on the personality of the individual. Some personality types will clash with ENTJ/ESTJ parents while others are more accepting. The accepting personality types are usually “feelers” rather than “thinkers”.

I’ve had a chance to work with a lot of female ENTJ’s in the past. Some of them were in very successful in long-term relationships, others not so much. The ones who had trouble with maintaining a long-term relationship couldn’t turn-off the “commander” domestically and believed their lives at home was an extension of their work. ENTJs must learn this the hard way. When at work, you are the commander, at home, you are someone’s wife/gf.

I think it really depends on a lot more than just your MBTI type to account for relationship success (maturity, emotional intelligence, your needs, their needs, and many other factors) so do not rely entirely on the MBTI assessment when making dating decisions.

Good luck out there!

Stay frosty =)




Humanist Philosopher. Interests: Human Consciousness, Human Incentive Systems, Human Governance Systems, Philosophy, Psychology, Spirituality, Transcendentalism