Why Your Height Doesn’t Really Matter

Dec 22, 2020

Most people know this man right here — Bruno Mars.

Most people don’t realize he is only 5′5″ (165 cm).

Here he is next to Rihanna who is 5′8″ (172 cm).

Here he is next to Taylor Swift who is 5′10″ (177 cm).

This picture below is actually an optical illusion due to the angle its taken at, it makes Bruno Mars look way shorter than he actually is.

Despite being short, he has no problems getting girls…

No problems hanging out with other celebrities like Brandy…

…and no problems selling 130 million records worldwide and winning 11 Grammy’s (as of 2019).

Bruno Mars is living proof your height doesn’t really matter. What matters is your desire + your talent which equals SUCCESS!

Stay frosty! =)




Humanist Philosopher. Interests: Human Consciousness, Human Incentive Systems, Human Governance Systems, Philosophy, Psychology, Spirituality, Transcendentalism